The Autistic Mind Finally Speaks

Letterboard Thoughts by Gregory Tino

Believe In Your Autistic Child

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Autism and I were blessed with parents who believed in my abilities. I was always allowed to be myself, but I felt that deep down, they knew I was smart. So when I began to communicate it was easier for them to believe what they were seeing. There were so many times I tried to send them a signal, like a whispered word relating to things being said around me. But it was thought to be my echolalia instead of a message from an intelligent mind. I blame no one because they were just believing what their eyes were showing them, which was an overgrown toddler who rattled off Barney quotes.

Autism and I did not have any advocates at that time showing otherwise, but today there are hundreds who blog and post on social media. Having advocates who pave the way for others will allow nonspeaking autistics to be given a chance. I like to believe that I am contributing in my own way. Being an advocate means everything to me.

Welcome to a new understanding about autism. You are just going to have to believe what I am telling you. We understand everything, no matter what we look like on the outside. We are intelligent but locked in by our unruly apraxic bodies. Be a parent who believes your child “can” instead of “can’t”. This is what every autistic needs to flourish.

Autism and I were blessed, but your child can be too. Having support means everything and will help autistics live their best life.

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